All about MEE!

Dance video RELEASED!

My dance video is finally released! We filmed it over two days, and then daddycat spent another 2 days editing it – he actually made it 4 times, and each time had an idea how to make it better, and started again from scratch!

You can even watch it in HD if you click the video and it takes you to youtube!

I really hope that all you friends like my video, and please tell all your friends so I can become more

Yoga Guru!

I won an competition! Can you believe it?

I entered the 2009 Kittie Yoga competition, and amazingly, they thought my pose was one of the joint wiiners with this pose!

The lovely kitties at Tabbynormal said it was called Cat Crescent Pose and with such a lovely name like that, it sounds even better! Congratulations and headbutts to teh beautiful joint winners Siena and Ayla too!

In keeping with the Yoga and nimbleness theme, MY KITTY DANCE VIDEO is going to be released any more

Cat moulting problem – SOLVED!

I’ve been moulting a lot recently, and because of my wonderful colouring, my hairs stand out on your clothes, whatever colour you’re wearing! Aren’t you lucky!

Well, daddycat has been looking everywhere for a solution, and has bought all sorts of cat hair brushes, and none of them actually get my really thick underfur out – they just brush it nice and flat, and maybe loosen it, so I can rub it all off on his bed!

So, we’ve seen these brushes more

wordless wednesday: How many paws?

I seem to have got myself into a bit of a tangle, and I’ve lost one of my legs!

Can you find it?(click to make the picture bigger!)

gonna be a film star!

Daddycat says he’s got nothing to write about so that’s why he hasn’t posted anything recently. Although I’m really excited, because Daddycat’s setting up a video studio and he wants me to be his first film star!

I’m going to be showing off how acrobatic and nimble I am!

Grandmacat came to visit last week too, and I jumped straight on her lap and had a lovely cuddle, as only Grandmacats can give!

Also, those nice people at the Kitty City Gazette sent more