All about MEE!

Nobody’s watching!

You may remember from my famous dance video, that I dance like nobody’s watching…

well, while Daddycat’s away, I also have been known to sing like nobody’s watching too! 

Daddycat thinks I look like a angelic choir girl cat, but when I sing, I just sing my heart out, and I’m FAR from an angel!

What else do you think I do when nobody’s watching?

Yoga Guru!

I won an competition! Can you believe it?

I entered the 2009 Kittie Yoga competition, and amazingly, they thought my pose was one of the joint wiiners with this pose!

The lovely kitties at Tabbynormal said it was called Cat Crescent Pose and with such a lovely name like that, it sounds even better! Congratulations and headbutts to teh beautiful joint winners Siena and Ayla too!

In keeping with the Yoga and nimbleness theme, MY KITTY DANCE VIDEO is going to be released any more